Gamer checks out Pelicar

It Was Us And The Klingons!

(Def-Con III)

John Smith

Pharaoh Games entered T-Town with glowing confidence. First, because the convention was in Tulsa which is close to home for the Pharaoh Games bunch. Secondly, we were still riding the adrenaline wave of GenCon. I must admit upon our arrival at Def-Con even I was disappointed at the small number of gamers present. I could feel the excitment slipping...but that day being no different than any other, Pelicar huddled up and hammered through.

We made it a point to plaster flyers everywhere! No wall went unmolested; no bathroom stall was spared. Control of the con came to this: It was us, the Klingons and the Comics... After we eliminated the Comics from competition, Pelicar and the Klingons shared rule of Def-Con III.

Although severely lacking in gamer attendance, I viewed Def-Con III as a success. We sold a few books...that's always a nice way to gauge progress. Yet, in addition to sales, I think the most important thing was the response of the gamers, albiet few in number. I do not recall anyone leaving the Pelicar table unsatisfied. In fact, anyone within reach of our tendrils was drug in, and after the Pelicar experience, left happy. We recieved some good feedback and made some friends we hope to see at future cons. "Howdy to SpaceAce!"

Although we fell short of breaking any records, Def-Con was a success. Pharaohgames looks forward now to ShaunCon in Kansas City November 22, 23, and 24th. Described as a major gamer Con, Pharaoh Games is going in locked and loaded with full crew.