Selt Islands

Surface Area: 6.9 million km2
The following is a preview of a new Mythos being developed for an upcoming supplement. Yes, we are continuing to develop new products!
Around the 580's, the civilization of the Selt Islands took off. The catalyst was the invention of the Selt trireme, a boat sturdy enough to survive long range coastal travel. Suddenly, the thinly spread tribes were part of a long but stable trade route. Ideas and products flowed freely. Adventurers could move quickly in times of trouble, and governments could control much larger areas. Part of this proliferation of knowledge was the genesis of the East's bronze working and the West's agriculture. The bronze plow made the fields flourish. More important was the proliferation of religious thought. Many cults existed along the thousand kilometer coast.As the next twenty years passed, the rapid growth in population and technology created many tensions. As late as the year 600 no pantheon had formed. In 598 small power struggles between economic, religious, and political factions erupted into war. From 600 to 605 all of Selt civilization suffered. It is estimated that over twenty percent of the population died in this short span; many from hunger. In the end though, an empire and a pantheon were born. The city of Atik became the seat of political power. The seas became the center of the religion.
Every god in the pantheon has a small stake in the sea. Salt water is a common material in Selt incantations and rituals. Ability in battle is also a universal thread. All of the churches maintain navies of at least twenty capital ships. So important is the sea, that all priests are endowed with sailing skills at early levels. As in most religions, the churches also fund many public works projects. They conduct research for the betterment of the people, as well as maintaining schools (jointly with the secular government), some training guilds, and several shipyards.
The church has quickly won the hearts and minds of the populous. Few opposing cults remain, and unorthodox sects are rare as well. Even the unified tribes of the kobolds, ogres, and dwarves have embraced the religion. Attendance at holy day ceremonies often surpass 85% of the population. Families often travel for days to attend the yearly festivals of the various deities. The primary reason for this is the priesthood's benevolence to the masses.
Within the church is a holy code of chivalry, a part of Selt adventuring law dealing with the relation between adventurers and non-adventurers. In Keldric adventuring law (Pelicar's most accepted version) a "leveled" individual is not bound to help the common folk in any way. The Selts see it as their reason for existence. There is no doubt that many outlaws exist. Leveled pirates, common thieves, murderers and arsons are among the people of Selt just like any other civilization, but such acts are criminal in adventuring law as well a common law. Further, it is mandatory that adventurers seek these criminals. Of course, there are limits. It is not mandated that every adventurer in town hunt down every transgressor. However, if an inquiry finds that a group has repeatedly ignored opportunities to pursue the unruly, harsh penalties such as fines, exile, or even excommunication may follow.
The Selt Deities
Father SeaY'aetin
The Jitis
Further descriptions to come for this new Mythos!