549: Knights of Er
As a result of the events of
the late 540's, the Knight of Er where formed in September of
549. Their charter declared them as a peacekeeping force dedicating
themselves to the protection of "innocents" from the
"greed and ambitions of malevolent beast and adventurer alike."
It also pledged them to the preservation of the legal governments
of the island. The Knights adopted similar dress, mannerisms
and fighting styles to ensure anonymity. Later, in 552, the Knights
Cordair were founded. This group adopted a similar charter the
those of Er, but centered their activity on the colonies. Soon
both institutions discovered that recruits were at a serious "level"
disadvantage when dealing with active adventurers. They promoted
the creation of a third body of warriors, the Knights Exlatt.
Outwardly, this group is dedicated to seeking out and destroying
evil on the frontiers Erian civilization. Their primary purpose,
though, is to produce "leveled" recruits for the other
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